Let your money grow

BIB Wachstum

Invest your money securely and stay flexible if required. BIB Wachstum offers you interest rates that increase with the term.

Can I increase the amount of my investment during the term?

No. You decide the amount you would like to invest at the start of the contract. It is not possible to make additional payments during the term.

What is the maximum term?

You can invest your money in BIB Wachstum Gesundheit und Soziales for up to six years.

When will I receive the interest?

The interest will be credited at the end of each calendar year. This amount does not have to be credited to your BIB Wachstum Gesundheit und Soziales account.

Protecting deposits and institutions

BIB is affiliated with BVR Institutssicherung GmbH, an officially recognised organisation, and the additional voluntary protection scheme of the Federal Association of German Cooperative Banks [Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken e.V.]. As institutional protection schemes, it is their responsibility to avert or remedy imminent or existing financial difficulties at the institutions affiliated with them (institutional protection). All institutions affiliated with these protection schemes help each other to avoid insolvency. In addition to institutions, customers' deposits – generally savings deposits, savings certificates, term deposits, sight deposits and bonds – are also protected.